African Zebra Masks Jayla (Student) Sometimes, African masks look like animals and are used in dances for weddings, funerals, and initiation rites. This mask is an example of a zebra mask from Kenya. Kenya is a country in East Africa and is the 27th most…

Ghana Anedi (Student) Ghana is best known for its colorful culture, wildlife and natural beauty, the West African nation had one of Sub-Saharan Africa’s fastest-growing economies in the past few years, thanks to cocoa and a discovery of oil. Ghana is considered one of the more…

The Ankh Symbol Izayha (student) The Ankh —sometimes referred to as the key of life or the key of the Nile—is representative of eternal life in Ancient Kemet (now Egypt). Created by Africans long ago, the ankh is said to be the first (or original)…

The Mbira LaShay (Student) The mbira of the Shona people of Zimbabwe, consists of 22 to 28 metal keys mounted on a gwariva (hardwood soundboard) made from wood of the mubvamaropa tree (Pterocarpus angolensis).The mbira is often placed inside a large calabash resonator (deze). A…

Dancing Doll Jeremiah (Student) This African Ritual Dancing Doll is originally from the Dan tribe found in north-western Ivory Coast. The Dan people are also known as the Yacouba. It’s made of carved wood grass skirt a mask antelope fur with feather trimmed cloth hat. …

Mancala Game Ava (Student) A lot of Mancala games have a common general gameplay. Players begin by placing a certain number of seeds or stones in each of the pits on the game board. A player may count their stones to “plot” the game. A…

Slave Shackles Shaniyah (Student) Enslaved Africans were forced to endure the terrifying and brutal journey across the Atlantic from the West Coast of Africa to the Americas. Shackles were used to restrain and imprison Africans below decks in the ship’s hold. The shackles, recently acquired…

Egyptian Pyramids Shaniyah (Student) The word “pyramid” actually comes from the Greek word ‘pyramis,’ which means “wheat cake” The word pyramis was used to describe the ancient Egyptian buildings because they reminded the Greeks of pointy-topped wheat cakes. It was the ancient Kemites (known now…

Zambia By: Jurnee (Student) Zambia, in southern Africa, is a landlocked country of rugged terrain and diverse wildlife, with many parks and safari areas. On its border with Zimbabwe is famed Victoria Falls – indigenously called Mosi-oa-Tunya, or “Smoke That Thunders” – plunging a misty…

SHEKERE By: Mei (student) The Shekere is made of a dried gourd with beads or cowries woven into a net covering the gourd. This instrument originated in a tribe in Nigeria called Yoruba. This instrument is commonly used in West Africa and Latin music.

RAIN STICK By: Omar (student) It is a long, hollow tube partially filled with small pebbles, rice or beans that has small pins or thorns arranged helically on its inside surface. When the stick is upended, the pebbles fall to the other end of the…

THE BALAFON By: Jalani (student) The Balafon, as well as the Kora, was made to make music in worship of the king’s ceremonies of importance. It came from West Africa. It has entertained people throughout the history of Southern and West Africa, growing in population…