Uncle Sam Recruitment Poster
ArtifactUncle Sam Recruitment PosterCollection40 Acres and A MuleThe African American Museumat the England ManorShare
Freedman’s Bureau Jayla (Student) The United States Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, commonly known as the Freedmen’s Bureau, was created by Congress in 1865 to assist in the political and social reconstruction of post-war Southern states and to help formerly enslaved people make…
The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877 by Kenneth M. Stampp Jeremiah (Student) In The Era Of Reconstruction, Stampp’s book showed that the period following the Civil War was marked not only by “devastation of the white south by the north but rather a clear-eyed and determined…
Water Basin Jalani (Student) Water basins can be tracked to ancient times. Used throughout the entire world and made of many different types of metals, clays, and glasses (including porcelain), basins were and still are reliable items for personal hygiene, washing fruits and vegetables, carrying…