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Black Cavalry Troops

Black Cavalry Troops

Izayha (Student)

These Black soldiers helped protect the nation’s westward expansion by building roads and participating in significant military actions, such as the Red River War (1874-1875) and the Battle of San Juan Hill during the Spanish American War (1898).  These brave men also served among the first national park rangers.   American Plains Indians who fought against these soldiers referred to the Black cavalry troops as “Buffalo Soldiers” because of their dark, curly hair, which resembled a buffalo’s coat and because of their fierce nature of fighting. The nickname soon became synonymous with all African American regiments formed in 1866.  The African American soldiers known as the “Buffalo Soldiers” were fighting to obtain a freedom they had never known, while the Apaches were fighting to hold on to a freedom they had always had.
ArtifactBlack Cavalry TroopsCollectionThe Underground RailroadThe African American Museumat the England ManorShare