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The Underground Railroad Ava (Student) The Underground Railroad—the resistance of enslavement through escape and flight, during and until the end of the Civil War. What I think of this is its good education to learn more about all my ancestors.  I wonder what their mindsets…

Prayer Bowl LaShay (Student) A prayer bowl is a hand-designed bowl where a person keeps prayerful intentions. Each bowl comes with note cards to write prayers on. The prayer bowl was made of pure copper in the ancient world (before American slavery) for medicinal purposes……

Mancala Game Ava (Student) A lot of Mancala games have a common general gameplay.  Players begin by placing a certain number of seeds or stones in each of the pits on the game board.  A player may count their stones to “plot” the game.  A…

Colored Troops Jurnee (Student) United States Colored Troops were Union Army regiments(175 regiments; 178,000 men) The American Civil War was against the North and South so that the South would free their slaves. During the American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865)…

Sojourner Truth Jayla (Student) Sojourner Truth (Isabella Van Wagener) was born in 1797 in Ulster county, New York, United States.  She died November 26, 1883 in Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.  Her parents were Elizabeth Baumfree & James Baumfree. Sojourner was the daughter of enslaved African…

Frederick Douglass Asa (Student) Frederick Douglass (born February 1818 in Talbot County) was an African American social reformer Abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman.  After escaping from slavery in Maryland, he became a national leader of the Abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York.  He was…

Cathay Williams 1844-1893 Omar (Student) Cathay Williams is an African American soldier who I think was very brave as an African American woman to pose as an African American man.  She served her country in the Indian Wars as a Buffalo Soldier and is the…

Slave Shackles Shaniyah (Student) Enslaved Africans were forced to endure the terrifying and brutal journey across the Atlantic from the West Coast of Africa to the Americas.  Shackles were used to restrain and imprison Africans below decks in the ship’s hold.  The shackles, recently acquired…

Egyptian Pyramids Shaniyah (Student) The word “pyramid” actually comes from the Greek word ‘pyramis,’ which means “wheat cake”  The word pyramis was used to describe the ancient Egyptian buildings because they reminded the Greeks of pointy-topped wheat cakes. It was the ancient Kemites (known now…

Colored Troops Jurnee (Student) United States Colored Troops were Union Army regiments (175 regiments, 178,000 men).  The American Civil War was the North versus South.  The South would end up having to free their African slaves.  During the American Civil War (April 12, 1861 –…

The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877 by Kenneth M. Stampp Jeremiah (Student) In The Era Of Reconstruction, Stampp’s book showed that the period following the Civil War was marked not only by “devastation of the white south by the north but rather a clear-eyed and determined…

54th Massachusetts Regiment Izayha (Student) Through their heroic, yet tragic, assault on Battery Wagner, South Carolina in July 1863, the 54th helped inspire the enlistment of more than 180,000 Black soldiers…a boost in morale and manpower that Lincoln recognized as essential to the victory of…